Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Farewell Arlene

“Eagerly determined to fulfill my purpose in this world notwithstanding the things that get in the way which are unforeseeable and inevitable. These things are like a map that guides me to wherever I want to be and like a planner where priorities are set-up. Recently, I discovered that what the future holds does not depend on someone else's but in my hands. It’s a choice really. I believe in destiny though. THE BEST IS YET TO COME.” (Arlene Tomas)

My dear friend Arlene passed away at the age of 27. A very sad news. This post, I dedicate to you.

Your purpose has been fulfilled my friend. Your legacy is imprinted in the friendship you established with your friends. The love you gave and the memories you left with your family and love ones are treasures worth keeping.

You are a daughter and a sister. To your parents and siblings, you are an angel descended from heaven and a precious gift from God. You are the bearer of happiness to your family. Now your journey ends from whence you came from- The house of our Lord.

You are a friend. To your pals, companions and comrades, you are an inspiration. You’ve touched our lives and enriched our hearts. Your companionship comforted us.

You are a soldier. To everyone, your journey in your lifetime is a battle. You’ve been a great fighter that overcame all the obstacles that came your way. You've mastered your talents, you've set your priorities and you've trusted God, thus, your hands have reached your dreams.

Surely we’ll miss you and we’ll weep because of your departure. However, we shall not hold you, whilst, we will celebrate. Rejoice! we shall with your union with God. We knew that you did not vanish but has just gone ahead of us.

Your early demise is not a battle lost my friend. It is the end of your journey in this world. THE BEST HAS COME. Your destiny awaits you in the hands of our Lord. In the comfort of the creator’s home you shall dwell for eternity.

Arlene Tomas we love you. Farewell my friend.

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