I have wanted to read other books aside from the law books that are filling up all the shelves in my place. In fact its law books all over the place; other than the books of Tolentino, Herrera, Reyes, Regalado, De Leo, etc. on the book shelves, there were stocks of red, maroon, blue and green hard-bound books on the sofa, on the computer table and on my bed. On the dining table there were, likewise, couple of soft-bound books accompanied with machine copies of the pages of SCRA and a hand full of notes. My house is really that mess most of the time but that is my life during school period. There were clatters everywhere giving an atmosphere of a chaotic world. Organizing and arranging these books are out of the question because it is very hard to manage my time squeezing in both my work load in the office and my studies in law school.
Aside from these law books I have likewise in my possession other books. I am a fan of numerous authors whose manuscripts are best sellers. I like John Grisham’s works and I have two of his books. I have read several of his books but I could not afford buying my own copies because my resources are all channeled in my schooling. Such that most non-law books that I have read were either borrowed or gift from friends sharing the same passion in books. Other than my two Grisham books there were other books in my shelves that remained unopened. The famous trilogy book of The Lord of the Rings which was given to me as gift by a good friend before the second sequel of the motion picture is shown in the movie theater remained stocked in my shelves fragmentary read until now collecting dust and maybe mites. There were also books of local authors which were given to me as birthday present that I have merely collected and have not dared to open as yet. Stupid that I am, I borrowed the latest, well at that time, of the sequel of the Harry Potter series, The Half-blood Prince, from a friend during the last semestral break hoping that I could read it. However, I have neglected my reading and came the school season and my purpose has not been realized. Coming this July the last of the sequel of the Harry Potter will be released on bookstores, The Deathly Hollows, and I have not even started with the former. How certainly stupid I am, huh?
Hence, in addition to my law books, which I have thoroughly read, there were other books that keep on filling and stocking in my place. Unfortunately, they remained just like that, filling and stocking, without me having them opened and read. So last Saturday, I made a vow, I promised before my towering stock of books, that I will not watch TV. The pledge includes the undertaking that I will not watch television until I have finished reading at least fifty percent of these dusty books. What a bookworm! I have been wanting in reading other kind books but that purpose seems to have become a distant reality. My eyes are giving up on me every time I start to read they involuntarily shut down even before I finish a single chapter. Worse, my thoughts were hovering away from my mind flying towards the world of sleep and dreams, you know what I mean. Then finally, i decided to slow down in reading and find another way in relaxing my mind.
Alas, last night I sat in front of my TV set and spent the evening watching movies and shows. To my dismay nothing caught my interest. All that I saw in the cable networks are re-runs of movies and shows which I have already seen before. There was nothing new, with few exceptions of some series of shows in AXN channel. Aggravating the feeling of dismay, my sister, who was then around, sat beside me in front of the TV and browsed the local networks. There I had again glimpses of the political campaign ads of the candidates this coming poll frequently interrupting the local shows. It was terrible, like what I had stated before in my previous blog post, the ads are more of nuisance than informative. The campaign ads were absolutely unsubstantial and certified junk. It is such a shame to realize that these politicians wasted substantial amount of money for nonsense ads defiling the air waves and agitating viewers. These strengthen my resolve to ban the TV and read good books instead. I came to a realization that books are better stuff than TV. What a book worm indeed. Haaaaahahahahahahahahahaha!